How Much Does Ordering a Dumpster Cost?

There are several different factors that affect how much it costs to order a rolloff dumpster. Such as:

  • The size of the dumpster.
  • What type of waste you are tossing in the container.
  • The estimated weight of the debris/waste.
  • How long you plan to rent the dumpster.
  • The availability of the dumpster order.
  • The local taxes.

It is incredibly important to think about the size of the dumpster that you need, especially if you want to stay within a specific budget. If you have any questions about the size of the dumpster, contact us so that we can help you to pick the right one. You do not want to pay for hauling things away more than once because you got a roll off dumpster that was too small. And paying more for a large container that you didn’t need isn’t fun either. Our experts can help you get what you need, nothing more and nothing less.

Do You Need a Dumpster on a budget?

Action Rolloffs offers an affordable dumpster ordering service that fits right into your budget. Big projects are costly enough; you don’t need to add onto that by getting a dumpster that goes way over your budget. We want to make the process of ordering a dumpster an easier task than you ever thought possible.

Variable-Rate Rentals and Flat-Rate Rentals: What’s the Difference?

We know that you have enough to worry about when it comes to your project, so we have made the pricing easy and transparent. Dumpster orders with Action are always flat rates without any hidden fees that bigger commercial container companies slide in at last minute.

The difference between variable-rate and a flat-rate rental is that flat-rate pricing is one that includes all of the items that you are paying for upfront, to prevent unexpected and unpleasant surprise fees that show up last minute. Getting billed for mysterious charges after the fact sucks. Always choose a flat-rate rental. This way, you know what you are paying right up front.

Knowing How Much Your Dumpster Order Will Cost

By contacting us through our website or calling us, you can get a better idea of exactly how much ordering a roll off dumpster from us will cost. Dumpsters have weight limits that you need to consider, which is something that you will need to discuss with our customer service representative so that you can know exactly how much the rental will cost. Tell them what size you need and what kind of debris you will be disposing of and our staff will be able to quote you what this rental will cost you.

Contact Us For a Quote Today

Action Rolloffs offers dumpster services to the local Houston area. If you want to know if we service your area, or you have any questions, contact us by visiting our website: or call us at (979) 826-2815. Ask us any questions that you may have and let us help you.