Tips On How To Avoid Dumpster Rental Fees

The inclusion of additional dumpster fees may result in a significant increase in the final amount you end up paying for your dumpster rental. While you are required to pay a flat rate for using our dumpster rentals, some individual fees associated with various actions such as dumping prohibited items in the dumpster or going over the dumpster’s weight limit may increase this rate.

To help you maintain the flat rental rate charged for your dumpster, here is a breakdown of some of the standard dumpster rental fees accompanied by tips on avoiding them altogether.

Dumpster Trip Fees

Once you request a rental dumpster, your chosen dumpster will be delivered to the specified location, and then picked up once you’re ready for it.

If the area where the dumpster is to be placed or picked up appears inaccessible for the driver, including lack of space, the customer may be liable for a dry-run fee. This fee covers the waste of resources associated with the missed pickup or delivery of the dumpster.

To avoid trip fees, ensure that the dumpster delivery or pickup location is well prepared and freely accessible to the delivery trucks all day, during the scheduled day.

Special Waste Disposal Fees

There may be regulation on the disposal of some waste items in individual states and cities. If you intend to dispose of any materials that require special handling or recycling, such as mattresses or electronics, you might incur a waste disposal fee.

A disposal fee may also apply for any disposal of prohibited waste items into the dumpster rental.

To avoid disposal fees, be sure to stick to the items specified by the dumpster rental company. If you are unsure of whether some things should go into the dumpster, contact the dumpster rental company for advice.

Rental Period Extension Fees

If your cleanup project lasts longer than expected, you can continue using the dumpster rental. However, you will be required to pay a low daily rental extension fee for each extra day you remain with the dumpster past the initially agreed upon rental period.

It is worth noting that rental extension fees are usually lower than the cost of renting another dumpster.To avoid these fees, schedule a dumpster pick up as soon as you finish using the container, and make sure that you do not remain with it past the allotted period.

Overloaded Dumpster Fees

Overloading your dumpster also attracts extra fees. An overloaded dumpster usually has bits of debris protruding from the top, resulting in a safety hazard for both the dumpster truck drivers and other road users.

Avoid these fees by taking the time to load up the dumpster properly. Start by placing the larger and heavier bits of waste into the trash first. Tightly pack the waste items to ensure that none is hanging off the top of the dumpster when it is due for pickup.

Fees For Going Over The Dumpster Weight Limit

The dumpster rental flat rate usually includes a specific waste disposal fee charged by landfills to dump a given amount of waste at their site; the price depends on the weight of the roll-off. Each dumpster comes with a weight rating that matches the fee covered under the rental rate. However, if you go over this weight limit, a prorated fee is applied for every extra ton.

To avoid these fees, be sure to stick to the dumpster weight limit. You can estimate the weight of your waste by using our dumpster weight calculator.

If you are not sure of the amount of waste you will be loading into the dumpster, consider hiring a dumpster with a higher weight limit. Keep rainwater and snow from entering the dumpster and increasing the weight of the contents therein by covering it with a tarp or plywood.

Avoiding any extra fees on your final dumpster rental charge is simple and straightforward, with the above tips in mind. However, if you still have any doubts, be sure to contact Action Roll-Offs for further information.